
1 Login to VAM2 online
2.1 Help and Support By pressing the question mark Help and Support button on the top right, you can get additional information about the software version, and you will also find the user guide. Project List – Help & Support
2.2 User Menu Once you have successfully logged in, you will find the user menu in the upper right corner. You can logout or choose between five languages (English, Arabic, Spanish, French, or Chinese). Project List – User Menu
2.3 Create Open Delete Projects 2.3.1 Create Project ””

A new window opens where you can enter the title for the new project and press the Create Project button. ””


The new project is created and opened and you can immediately start working. 2.3.2 Open Project To open a project, select your project from the list and press the Open Project button. This will close the current project and you can start working on the new project. This way, you can easily switch between projects. ””

2.3.3 Delete Project Projects can be deleted by selecting a project from the project list and press the Delete Project button. ””

To prevent accidental deletion, you have to confirm in a new window where the project title has to be entered before you can delete the project. ””

Note that only the creator of the project and users with admin rights have the permission to delete complete projects. Project List – Create | Open | Delete | Projects
The Upload Manager is the area where you can add all your files to your project. You can Upload any digital file format, but only supported file types can be displayed by the viewers of the VAM2 software. If an asset type is not supported, it can be uploaded as a generic file and afterward be linked and downloaded to be viewed and edited outside VAM2 as long as you have installed the required third-party software. These generic files are shown in yellow color and have an empty document icon. You can access the Upload Manager by pressing the Upload Manager button. 3.1 Adding Files Press the Add Files button to add files to your project. ””

An explorer window opens, and you can navigate to the required assets, select the desired files (single- or multi-select) and press the Open button. ””

Once you have confirmed your selection, the chosen asset is added to your upload list. By pressing the Start all uploads or Start button, all selected file(s) will be uploaded, converted and stored in the database. ””

It is also possible to drag and drop single files, multi-selected files or complete folders to your VAM2 browser window and all files get added to the upload list. Upload Manager – Adding Files
3.2 Assigning file types Usually, VAM2 automatically detects the file type and shows a respective icon in front of your filename. These are images, documents, videos, 3D models, point clouds, generic files, 360° spheres, and measurement pairs. You can find a list of supported file types here: All Supported Fileformats Generic File /Raw Asset If your filetype is not supported by our viewers (e.g., proprietary file formats) or is not visually presentable (e.g., a .zip archive), you can still up- and download these files. In this way, any file can be exchanged among users, regardless of size and filetype. Upload Manager – Assigning file types
3.3 [360°] Panoramas Measurement Pairs Important: If your asset is a spherical image (360° panorama) or a measurement pair (two 360° images, which only varies in the height they were recorded to allow distance measurements) you have to specify the file type manually. Otherwise, the 360° images are shown as flat projections. Therefore, select your spheres in the list and press the right mouse button on it. You can choose to convert them into a spherical image (one sphere) or a measurement pair (2 spheres). Be aware that if assets are defined as file type measurement pairs, you have to choose the two images that belong together (upper and lower position). ””

Upload Manager – 360° Panoramas

Once you pressed the measurement pair button, the two spheres will get summarized to one measurement pair file. The arrow left of your measurement pair icon can be expanded to see the components of the measurement pair. ””

You can multi-select all spheres to convert at once. For measurement pairs, you have to sort your files in advance. Since VAM2 summarizes the measurement pairs in alphabetical order, it is necessary to take care that upper and lower positions stand one above the other. We recommend an ascending enumeration for your files with alternating up and down sphere-positions. You can rename files by pressing the right mouse button on the asset and choose rename. A new window will open where you can enter a new title for your asset. ””

The result should look like this: Start the upload by pressing the Start button for every single file or use the Start all uploads button on the left. Upload Manager – Measurement Pair
3.4 Upload Process Once you started your upload, all files will be saved as original files in the database (used for the original file download). The assets become automatically converted into a VAM2 viewer compatible format so that even huge files can be displayed very fast even with a slow Internet connection. The blue progress bar shows the uploading progress, and the yellow progress bar shows the processing status. ””

The upload is finished when all progress bars have disappeared, and all assets have a green hook sign. Now you can view your uploaded assets by pressing the Show Asset button on the right side or switch to the Media Manager to proceed with your project. New assets can be added to your project anytime. ””

3.4.1 Additional options Items per page If uploading a large number of assets, the displayed items per page can be adjusted from 20 up to 200, and you can switch among your upload-list pages. Pause Uploads The upload of files can be paused and resumed anytime. ””

Cancel files Wrong added files can be removed fast by selecting them, press the Cancel selected button and confirm your action in the next window. ””

Clean list The Clean list button removes finished and failed uploads from the upload list. ””

Upload Manager – Upload Process
In the Media Manager you can manage, adjust and configure your assets. Build your (folder) structure, create links, and add hotspots to your projects. The size of the windows can be adjusted by click & draging your window borders. 4.1 Menu & Sections MenuAsset Manager – Menu SectionsAsset Manager – Sections
4.2 Project Tree 4.2.1 Create Folder The Project Tree helps you to structure your projects. In this section, folders can be created, and related assets are assigned. The folders can be created before, during, or after the upload process. To create a new folder, move the cursor into the tree area, and press the right mouse button. In the menu select the Create Folder option. ””

A window opens, and a name for the new folder can be entered. ””

Subfolders can be created too, press the right mouse button on one of your folders and create a new folder or use drag & drop to move folders. ””

There are many ways to create a useful folder structure. For example, you can sort your assets. – by type (folders for asset types like images, sphericals, documents, pointclouds etc.) – chronologically (folders with timestamp) – by content (create folders with different asset types concerning specific content) or combine them.Asset Manager – Asset Tree – Create Folder
4.2.2 Adding Assets to Tree Now you can start to move your assets from the unassigned asset list to your tree. The asset list can be accessed by pressing the list button. ””

Select an asset from the list and drag and drop the asset to the desired folder. Asset Manager – Asset Tree – Adding Assets to tree
4.2.3 Sorting assets in the tree The tree can be sorted by type or alphabetically by pressing the right mouse button in the tree area and select the corresponding option. ””

Asset Manager – Asset Tree – Sorting files
4.2.4 Creating web links Another option when pressing the right mouse button inside the tree area is to create a web link. These links can be used as hotspots and can be linked to any other asset. That means that you can set a link to any website or web-based application from any position within your asset (see hotspot section). ””

Enter a title for your weblink and the URL. ””

Asset Manager – Asset Tree – Create web links
4.2.5 Open assets in Preview & Editor Viewer Click on an asset to open it. If your asset type is supported by VAM2, it will be displayed in the Preview Viewer and the properties are shown in The Inspector. A double-click will open the asset in the Editor Viewer. ””

Asset Manager – Asset Tree – Open Assets in Viewer
Project Default Asset Another option is to set a project default, which means to determine an asset that is displayed first when opening a published project or the preview mode. Press your right mouse button on an asset you want to use as the project default asset and select Use as project default.

Your project default asset has now a yellow pin next to its name. To find your default asset in a large project, use the button on top of the tree area. ””

Please note that if you do not set a project default asset, your published project will start with the asset that was uploaded first. Independent from changes that you can make inside VAM2 (e.g., perspective changes or image adjustments), you can download the untouched original files anytime. Therefore press the right mouse button on one of the assets in the tree and select download. Asset Manager – Asset Tree – Project default Asset Original files download Independent from changes that you can make inside VAM2 (e.g., perspective changes or image adjustments), you can download the untouched original files anytime. Simply press the right mouse button on one of the assets in the tree and select download. ””

Asset Manager – Asset Tree – Original files download
4.3 The Inspector ””

The Inspector is the area where you can adjust all settings for your assets. To show the settings, select an asset from the tree, and you will get a list of all settings options for that asset on the right. Use the Toggle advanced options button on the top left of the Inspector to get a full list of all options. A mouse-over functionality will provide you with a description and additional information. ””

4.3.1 General Settings In this area, additional information can be entered. ””

– Title – Change the title of an asset. – Description – A short text to describe the asset. – Keywords – Enter a keyword to group (different) assets by content. – Reference – Enter a Tag/ID/Reference for this asset. Entries in these four fields can be found by the search function. These are very useful to find specific contents very fast. It is also possible to enter GPS data for all assets manually. – Latitude – Value in degrees from -90° to 90° (WGS84 decimal format). – Longitude – Value in degrees from 0° to 180° (WGS84 decimal format). – Elevation – Elevation value in meters. Download enabled – Enables or disables the download of the original asset in published tours. Signature – Indicates the presence and validity of a signature in this asset. An asset with a valid signature has not been modified since its creation. When using a Weiss AG Civetta camera, a signature is added automatically to the spherical images. This excludes image manipulation, particulary useful in crime scene presentations in court. Asset Manager – The Inspector – General Settings
4.3.2 Default Perspective You can define the default view for your asset. This means that every time the asset is opened, the default perspective will be displayed. Therefore you can use the slider bars or enter a value into the number fields. You can also define the default perspective by using the viewers. Just use the mouse to determine your desired view and press the Save button on the top left of the viewer. The slider bars and value fields will adept the viewer settings. Asset specific settings Depending on the asset type, further settings can be done. VAM2 supports the following types: Images Spherical images/360° panoramas Measurement pairs Documents (360°) Videos Audio Files Point Clouds 3D Models Image Settings ””

Default Perspective: – Zoom – Initial Zoom, a float between 0 an1 where 0 is completely zoomed out. – X,Y – Coordinates to determine the image center point. – Or use the preview viewer and press the Save current perspective as default button. Configuration: – Zoom enabled – Enables/disables the zoom control. – Zoom Range – Defines the zoom range, Min 0 Max 1. – Image Adjustments: ””


Brightness, Contrast & Saturation: – Enables/disables brightness,contrast and saturation shader. If enabled, the values for these settings can be changed. Hue, Saturation & Lightness: – Enables/disables hue, saturation and lightness shader. If enabled, the values for these settings can be changed. ””

Invert Colors: – Enables/disables color inversion. White Point: – Define the color, the white balancing is based on. White Balance: – Enables/disables the white balance shader. Asset Manager – Inspector – Asset specific settings- Image Asset Settings
4.3.3 Spherical img’s / 360° Pan. settings ””

Orientation Angle – Enter an angle in degrees (between 0° and 360°) to define the orientation direction. This allows to define the north direction for spheres so that the radar is displayed correctly on maps (see section hotspots/maps). Default Perspective: Field of View: – Initial field of view in degrees between 1° and 120°. Pan Angle: – Horizontal camera angle in degree between 0° and 360°. Tilt Angle: – Vertical camera angle in degrees between -90° and 90°. – Or use the preview viewer and press the Save current perspective as default button. Configuration Field of View Enabled: – Enables/disables field of view control. Field of View Range: – The minimum and maximum field of view for this spherical image. Pan Enabled: – Enables the pan control. Pan Range Enabled: – Enables/disables minimum and maximum pan. If this option is enabled, the camera will no longer be able to rotate freely. Pan Range: – The minimum and maximum pan for this spherical image. Tilt Enabled: – Enables/disables the tilt control. Tilt Range: – The minimum and maximum tilt for this spherical image. Autorotate: – Eanables/disables the autorotation for spherical images. Autorotate Speed: – Set the autorotation speed in degrees per second. Autorotate Clockwise: – Select the autorotation direction. Autorotate on Start: – Enables/disables spherical image autorotation on start. If enabled, the autorotation will start immediately without delay on startup. Autorotate Once: – If enabled, autorotation will occur only once. If combined with Autorotate on Start the spherical image will autorotate on start until the user interacts and does not start again. ””


Image adjustments Brightness, Contrast & Saturation: Enables/disables brightness,contrast and saturation shader. If enabled, the values for these settings can be changed. Hue, Saturation & Lightness: Enables/disables hue, saturation and lightness shader. If enabled, the values for these settings can be changed. Invert Colors: Enables/disables color inversion. White Point: Define the color, the white balancing is based on. White Balance: Enables/disables the white balance shader. Measurement Pair Options: Units: Define whether the results of a measurement should be displayed as default in metric or imperial units. Pair Distance: Vertical distance in meters between the spherical images of this pair. The Weiss AG Civetta defaults to 0.6. Do not change unless another camera with different distance was used. Asset Manager – Inspector – Asset specific settings – 360° Panorama Measurement Pair Asset Settings
4.3.4 Document Settings ””

Default Perspective: Page: Define which document page to show initially. Zoom: Initial Zoom, a float between 0 an1 where 0 is completely zoomed out. X, Y: Coordinates to determine the image center point. Or use the preview viewer and press the Save current perspective as default button. Configuration: Zoom enabled: Enables/disables the zoom control. Zoom Range: Defines the zoom range, Min 0 Max 1. Image adjustments: Brightness, Contrast and Saturation: Enables/disables brightness,contrast and saturation shader. If enabled, the values for these settings can be changed. Hue, Saturation & Lightness: Enables/disables hue, saturation and lightness shader. If enabled, the values for these settings can be changed. Invert Colors: Enables/disables color inversion. White Point: Define the color, the white balancing is based on. White Balance: Enables/disables the white balance shader. Asset Manager – Inspector – Asset specific settings – Document Asset Settings

4.3.5 Video Asset Settings 360° Video – Enable/disable 360° video display. Default Perspective: Position: Define the starting position of a video in seconds. Autoplay: Video will start playing as soon as it has buffered. Volume: Define the default sound volume. Mute: Mutes audio when the video starts to play. The volume can be turned back on by the user. Or use the preview viewer and press the Save current perspective as default button. Asset Manager – Inspector – Asset specific settings – Video Asset Settings ””

4.3.6 Audio Asset Settings ””

Default Perspective: Position: Define the starting position of an audio file in seconds. Autoplay: Audio file will start playing as soon as it has buffered. Volume: Define the default sound volume. Mute: Mutes audio when it starts to play. The volume can be turned back on by the user. Or use the preview viewer and press the Save current perspective as default button. Asset Manager – Inspector – Asset specific settings – Audio Asset Settings
4.3.7 Point Cloud Asset Settings Default Perspective: ””

X: – Position of the camera in 3D space on the x-axis. Y: – Position of the camera in 3D space on the y-axis. Z: – Position of the camera in 3D space on the z-axis. Field of View: – Define the initial field of view of the camera in degrees. Pan: – Define the horizontal camera angle in degrees between 0° and 360°. Tilt: – Define the vertical camera angle in degrees between -90° and 90°. Distance: – Define the distance oft he camera to its target. Point Number: – Define the target number of displayed points (in a million points). Point Size: – Define the point size of the displayed points (1-3). Point Opacity: – Define the opacity of the displayed points (0-1). Camera Controls: – Define which camera control should be used by default: Orbit Camera Left mouse button: Keep pressed and move the mouse to rotate around the center of the coordinate system. Right mouse button: Keep pressed and move the mouse to shift the coordinate system. Mouse wheel: Use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out. First Person Camera W,A,S,D or arrow keys: Move forward, left, right, backward. Q, E: Rotate left or right. R, F: Move up and down. Left mouse button: Keep pressed and move the mouse to rotate around the camera center. Right mouse button: Keep pressed and move the mouse to shift the coordinate system. Movement Speed: Define the speed of movement for the camera. Configuration: This area is used to place the point cloud correctly in space using a grid. Mirror Z: Pess this button to enable mirroring along the z-axis. Rotation X: Use this slider to rotate the point cloud on the x-axis from 0° to 360°. Rotation Y: Use this slider to rotate the point cloud on the y-axis from 0° to 360°. Rotation Z: Use this slider to rotate the point cloud on the z-axis from 0° to 360°. Asset Manager – Inspector – Asset specific settings – Point Cloud Asset Settings
4.3.8 3D-Model Asset Settings ””

• Default Perspective: • X: Position of the camera in 3D space on the x-axis. • Y: Position of the camera in 3D space on the y-axis. • Z: Position of the camera in 3D space on the z-axis. • Field of View: Define the initial field of view of the camera in degrees. • Pan: Define the horizontal camera angle in degrees between 0° and 360°. • Tilt: Define the vertical camera angle in degrees between -90° and 90°. • Distance: Define the distance oft he camera to its target. • Camera Controls: Define which camera control should be used by default: • Orbit Camera • Left mouse button: Keep pressed and move the mouse to rotate around the center of the coordinate system. • Right mouse button: Keep pressed and move the mouse to shift the coordinate system. • Mouse wheel: Use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out. • First Person Camera • W,A,S,D or arrow keys: Move forward, left, right, backward. • Q, E: Rotate left or right. • R, F: Move up and down. • Left mouse button: Keep pressed and move the mouse to rotate around the camera center. • Right mouse button: Keep pressed and move the mouse to shift the coordinate system. • Movement Speed: Define the speed of movement for the camera. • Configuration: This area is used to place the point cloud correctly in space using a grid. • Mirror Z: Pess this button to enable mirroring along the z-axis. • Rotation X: Use this slider to rotate the point cloud on the x-axis from 0° to 360°. • Rotation Y: Use this slider to rotate the point cloud on the y-axis from 0° to 360°. • Rotation Z: Use this slider to rotate the point cloud on the z-axis from 0° to 360°. • Image adjustments: • Brightness, Contrast &Saturation: Enables/disables brightness,contrast and saturation shader. If enabled, the values for these settings can be changed. • Hue, Saturation & Lightness: Enables/disables hue, saturation and lightness shader. If enabled, the values for these settings can be changed. • Invert Colors: Enables/disables color inversion. • White Point: Define the color, the white balancing is based on. • White Balance: Enables/disables the white balance shader.Asset Manager – Inspector – Asset specific settings – 3D Model Asset Settings Web Link Settings
Configuration: Target: Define how to open the target URL. Options are Embedded, Popup, or in a new window. Popup Width: Define the width of the popup window in pixels. This only applies if the Target is set to Popup. Popup Height: Define the height of the popup window in pixels. This only applies if the Target is set to Popup. Asset Manager – Inspector – Asset specific settings – Web-Link-Settings
Information Depending on the asset type, the Information section shows some additional information of your asset like e.g., the creation or modification time, the original filename, size, and the exif/metadata.Asset Manager – Inspector – Asset specific settings – Inspector – Information

Access ControlAsset Manager – Inspector – Access Control
4.4 The Asset Viewer There are two different viewers in the Asset Manager. 1. The Preview Viewer in the Inspector on the top right. You can open an asset with this viewer by pressing the left mouse button once on an asset in the tree or by pressing the Show Asset button in the upload list. To display the asset, press the Click to load button. 2. The Editor Viewer in the center window. You can open an asset with this viewer by pressing the left mouse button twice on an asset in the tree. The Viewers show different buttons/options depending on the asset type. Changes that were made inside the viewers like for example, image adjustments are not permanent but only temporary. If you want to make permanent changes you have to do this in the corresponding inspector field. The downloadable original files will not be affected by any changes inside VAM2. Image Viewer Options Settings button: Here you can make temporary image settings. ””

Invert Colors: Set invert colors to on or off. Color Adjustments: Enables/disables Color Adjustments. If enabled, the values for Brightness, Contrast and Saturation can be changed. HSL adjustments: Enables/disables HSL Adjustments. If enabled, the values for Hue, Saturation and Lightness can be changed. Hide all links button: Show/hide all Hotspots/Links of this asset. How to set Hotspots can be found in the Hotspot section. Camera Controls button: • Save screenshot: Creates a screenshot of the viewer content. • Zoom in/+: Zoom into the image (or use the mouse wheel/+ key). • Zoom out/-:Zoom out of the image (or use the mouse wheel/ – key). • Reset Camera:Return to the default view. • Reset to default perspective button: Reset the Camera to default view. • Save current perspective as default button: You can define the default perspective (as you can do in the Inspector) by using the viewers. Use the mouse to determine your desired view and press this button. The slider bars and value fields of the Inspector will adept the viewer settings. • North arrow: Drag the north arrow to adjust the north direction of the spherical imageAsset Manager – Asset Viewer – Image Viewer
4.4.1 Spherical Img / Panorama V. Options Settings button: Here you can make temporary spherical image settings. ””

• Invert Colors: Set invert colors to on or off. • Color Adjustments: Enables/disables Color Adjustments. If enabled, the values for Brightness, Contrast and Saturation can be changed. • HSL adjustments: Enables/disables HSL Adjustments. If enabled, the values for Hue, Saturation and Lightness can be changed. • Hide all links button: Show/hide all Hotspots/Links of this asset. How to set Hotspots can be found in the Hotspot section. • Camera Contols button 4.4.2 Measurem. Pair Viewer Options / Taking Measurem. A measurement pair consists of two spherical images taken from the same position (usually with a tripod) and differing only in height. Due to the known difference in height, it is possible to measure distances. The height difference can be set in the Inspector under Pair Distance. • Settings button: Here you can make temporary spherical image settings. Invert Colors: Set invert colors to on or off. Color Adjustments: Enables/disables Color Adjustments. If enabled, the values for Brightness, Contrast and Saturation can be changed. HSL adjustments: Enables/disables HSL Adjustments. If enabled, the values for Hue, Saturation and Lightness can be changed. Hide all links button: Show/hide all Hotspots/Links of this asset. How to set Hotspots can be found in the Hotspot section. Camera Contols button: Save screenshot: Creates a screenshot of the viewer content. Zoom in/+: Zoom into the measurement pair (or use the mouse wheel/+ key). Zoom out/-: Zoom out of the measurement pair (or use the mouse wheel/ – key). Reset Camera: Return to default view. Reset to default perspective button: Reset the Camera to default view. Save current perspective as default button: You can define the default perspective (as you can do in the Inspector) by using the viewers. Use the mouse to determine your desired view and press this button. The slider bars and value fields of the Inspector will adept the viewer settings. North arrow: Drag the north arrow to adjust the north direction of the spherical image. This has the same function as the Orientation Angle slider and insert field in the Inspector. Toggle secondary viewport: Switch on/off to display the second spherical image of your measurement pair. Asset Manager – Asset Viewer – 360° Panorama Measurement Pair Viewer
Measurement Controls -> Distance Measurement: ””

Press this button to perform distance measurements. The window splits and you can now see both spherical images of the measurement pair. To start your measurement, press with the right mouse button on the starting point of your measurement line in the left spherical image. Then press with the right mouse button on the ending point of your measurement line. Now do the same in the right spherical image. It is very important to choose exactly the same start- and ending points as in the left spherical image. The accuracy of the measurement depends on how precisely the points in the left and right images match. To accurately find the points, you can zoom in with the mouse wheel, the +/- keys or the camera controls. With the space bar, you can zoom in directly to the maximum. You can perform several measurements in the measurement pair. Existing measuring points can be used as starting points for further measurements by pressing the right mouse button on them. So triangle, rectangle or polygon measurements can easily be done. ””

• Switch Units: The measurement results can be displayed in either metric or imperial units. The standard view can be set in the Inspector. • Reset Measurements: Here all measurements can be deleted at once. You can also remove individual measurement points by holding down the alt key and clicking on an existing measurement point with the right mouse button. The measurements are not saved permanently, it is recommended to take a screenshot of them using the camera controls.Asset Manager – Asset Viewer – 360° Panorama Measurement Pair Viewer – Taking Measurements
4.4.3 Document Viewer Options Settings button: Here you can make temporary document settings. Invert Colors: Set invert colors to on or off. Color Adjustments: Enables/disables Color Adjustments. If enabled, the values for Brightness, Contrast and Saturation can be changed. HSL adjustments: Enables/disables HSL Adjustments. If enabled, the values for Hue, Saturation and Lightness can be changed. Hide all links button: Show/hide all Hotspots/Links of this asset. How to set Hotspots can be found in the Hotspot section. Camera Contols button: Save screenshot: Creates a screenshot of the viewer content. Zoom in/+: Zoom into the document (or use the mouse wheel/+ key). Zoom out/-: Zoom out of the document (or use the mouse wheel/ – key). Reset Camera: Return to default view. • Reset to default perspective button: Reset the Camera to default view. • Save current perspective as default button: You can define the default perspective (as you can do in the Inspector) by using the viewers. Just use the mouse to determine your desired view and press this button. The slider bars and value fields of the Inspector will adept the viewer settings. • Page Selection: Use the arrows to turn the pages (Previous/Next Page) or enter the page number into the field if using a multiple page document.Asset Manager – Asset Viewer – Document Viewer
4.4.4 Video Settings • Video Resolution: Press this button to select the video resolution (240p to 2160p/4k). ””

• VR: Press this button to switch between standard view and virtual reality/split screen view to be used with VR headsets in fullscreen mode (only in Preview or published projects possible). ””

• Save screenshot: Creates a screenshot of the viewer content. • Volume settings: Use the slider bar to adjust the video volume and click on the speaker icon to mute/unmute the sound. • Play button: Press this button to start or pause the video. • Reset to default perspective button: Reset the Camera to default view. • Save current perspective as default button: You can define the default perspective (as you can do in the Inspector) by using the viewers. Use the mouse to determine your desired view and press this button. The slider bars and value fields of the Inspector will adept the viewer settings.Asset Manager – Asset Viewer – Video Viewer
4.4.5 Audio Settings ””

• Volume settings: Use the slider bar to adjust the audio file volume and click on the speaker icon to mute/unmute the sound. • Play button: Press this button to start or pause the audio file. • Reset to default perspective button: Reset the Camera to default view. • Save current perspective as default button: You can define the default perspective (as you can do in the Inspector) by using the viewers. Just use the mouse to determine your desired view and press this button. The slider bars and value fields of the Inspector will adept the viewer settings.Asset Manager – Asset Viewer – Audio Viewer
4.4.6 Point Cloud Viewer Options / Taking Measurements Point Cloud Settings button: Here you can make temporary point cloud settings. ””


Point Number: Define the number of visible points to be displayed. The maximum is 20 million points, but this requires a powerful graphics card. Point Size: The point size of the displayed points (1-3). Point Opacity: The opacity of the displayed points (0-1). Hide all links button: Show/hide all Hotspots/Links of this asset. When using a point cloud you can define the Link view distance. This way you can display Links/Hotspots only inside this radius. How to set Hotspots can be found in the Hotspot section. ””

Camera Contols button: Focus Object: Focuses the point cloud in the center of the viewer. Reset Camera: Reset the Camera to default view. Fly Camera Mode: Sets the control to Fly Camera Mode to move in space. W,A,S,D or arrow keys: Move forward, left, right, backward. Q, E; Rotate left or right. R, F: Move up and down. Left mouse button: Keep pressed and move the mouse to rotate around the camera center. Right mouse button: Keep pressed and move the mouse to shift the coordinate system. Orbit Camera Mode: Sets the control to Orbit Camera Mode to rotate around the center of the coordinate system. Left mouse button: Keep pressed and move the mouse to rotate around the center of the coordinate system. Right mouse button: Keep pressed and move the mouse to shift the coordinate system. Mouse wheel: Use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out. Save Screenshot: Creates a screenshot of the viewer content. Reset to default perspective button: Reset the Camera to default view. ””

• Save current perspective as default button: You can define the default perspective (as you can do in the Inspector) by using the viewers. Just use the mouse to determine your desired view and press this button. The slider bars and value fields of the Inspector will adept the viewer settings ””

• Measuring Controls: Distance Measurement: Distance measurements are possible in a correctly scaled point cloud. Press the Distance Measurement button to start the measurement. Move the blue sphere with the mouse to the starting point of your measurement and press the left mouse button. Then move the blue sphere with the mouse to the endpoint of your measurement and press the left mouse button again. You can now make further measurements directly afterward or end the measurement process by pressing the right mouse button. Angle Measurement: Triangle measurements are also possible in a point cloud. Press the Angle Measurement button to start the measurement. Move the blue sphere with the mouse to the starting point of your measurement and press the left mouse button. Then move the blue sphere with the mouse to the second point of your measurement and press the left mouse button again. Now select the third point of your triangle, press the left mouse button, and the viewer will display the three angles of your measurement. Reset Measurements: Here all measurements can be deleted at once. The measurements are not saved permanently, it is recommended to take a screenshot of them using the camera controls. Asset Manager – Asset Viewer – Point Cloud Viewer
4.4.7 3D Model Viewer Settings button: Here you can make temporary 3D Model image texture settings. ””

Invert Colors: Set invert colors to on or off. Color Adjustments: Enables/disables Color Adjustments. If enabled, the values for Brightness, Contrast and Saturation can be changed. HSL adjustments: Enables/disables HSL Adjustments. If enabled, the values for Hue, Saturation and Lightness can be changed. Hide all links button: Show/hide all Hotspots/Links of this asset. When using a 3D model asset you can define the Link view distance. This way you are able to display Links/Hotspots only inside this radius. How to set Hotspots can be found in the Hotspot section. Camera Contols button: Focus Object: Focuses the 3D model in the center of the viewer. Reset Camera: Reset the Camera to default view. Fly Camera Mode: Sets the control to Fly Camera Mode to move in space. W,A,S,D or arrow keys: Move forward, left, right, backward. Q, E; Rotate left or right. R, F: Move up and down. Left mouse button: Keep pressed and move the mouse to rotate around the camera center. Right mouse button: Keep pressed and move the mouse to shift the coordinte system. ””

Orbit Camera Mode: Sets the control to Orbit Camera Mode to rotate around the center of the coordinate system. Left mouse button: Keep pressed and move the mouse to rotate around the center of the coordinate system. Right mouse button: Keep pressed and move the mouse to shift the coordinate system. Mouse wheel: Use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out. Save Screenshot: Creates a screenshot of the viewer content. Reset to default perspective button: Reset the Camera to default view. Save current perspective as default button: You can define the default perspective (as you can do in the Inspector) by using the viewers. Use the mouse to determine your desired view and press this button. The slider bars and value fields of the Inspector will adept the viewer settings. Asset Manager – Asset Viewer – 3D Model Viewer
4.5 Hotspots / Links One of the most important features in VAM2 is the usage of hotspots. Hotspots are links to other assets. In VAM2, each asset can be linked to any other asset. For example, you can link images to documents, point clouds to videos, link external databases via web links or create virtual tours. There are no limits to the possibilities. In this way, it is possible to provide additional information quickly and easily. 4.5.1 Descriptions Asset Manager – Hotspots – Description
4.5.2 Create Hotspots Creating Hotspots in VAM2 is very easy. First, you have to open the asset on which you want to place the hotspot. To do this, select the corresponding asset in the tree area and open it with a double click with the left mouse button. The asset now opens in the middle window. Now select the asset you want to link. To do this, press and hold the left mouse button and drag and drop the asset to the desired position in the middle window. So the hotspot is set. With each asset in the tree area, you can create as many hotspots as you like, e.g. you can create a hotspot on a map from an asset and create a hotspot in a point cloud from the same asset. Asset Manager – Hotspots – Create Hotspots
4.5.3 Hotspot Settings Each hotspot can have its own settings that can differ from the settings of the original asset in the tree. A Hotspot can have different or additional descriptions, keywords or references to search for. They can also have a perspective that is different from the original. For example, with a 360° image, the original in the tree can be oriented north in the standard view, while the hotspot points south with a different zoom level. Additional settings, such as image adjustments can be customized for each hotspot. ””

Asset Manager – Hotspots – Hotspot Settings
4.5.4 Hotspot Configuration Per default a Hotspot is displayed as a white circle with a black dot inside, but it is possible to customize the Hotspot to find certain content faster and to get a better overview. ””

Coloror: To set the color of your Hotspot press the color button and select a preset color, choose a color from the color field or enter a color HEX value. After selecting the desired color, press the choose button to apply the settings. ””

• Show Icon: Enables/disables the use of individual icons for the hotspots. • Icon: Press the Icon button to get a list of different Icons to choose from. You can select a category or enter a search term in the search field. Once you selected an icon press the save button and your changes will be adopted. https://vam2.com/wp-content/uploads/4-Asset-Manager-5-Hotspots-Hotspot-Configuration-icons.jpg alt=”” />

• Show Pointer: Enables/disables to display a Hotspots as a pointer. ””

Asset Manager – Hotspots – Hotspot Configuration
The Link Section below the Edit Viewer shows a list of all Hotspots that link to or are linked from this asset. Here you can select multiple elements and change values for all selected elements at once. In this way, you can change e.g., color and icons for all spheres at once. It is also possible to configure multiple hotspots at once. ””

4.5.5 Maps Another purpose for assets is the usage as a map. This is to provide assistance with navigation and to get an overview of the area. To define an asset (could be a 360°/ image, a document, a point cloud or a 3D model) as a map, select an asset from the tree and set the Map property in the Inspector to ON. The asset icon will change to a map icon. ””

Now hotspots can be placed on the corresponding places on the map. ””



In case that the map is not north oriented, it can be adjusted using the Orientation Angle sliders. If you use spherical images, you will see a radar on the map showing the field of view and the zoom level. The north direction can be set using the compass needle in the Inspector preview viewer. Therefore just drag the compass in the middle of the window to the north. Once all hotspots are set on the map, they can be used for navigation. By clicking on the hotspots on the map, you can quickly switch among all linked assets. Asset Manager – Hotspots – Hotspot Maps
4.5.6 Radar ””

Asset Manager – Hotspots – Hotspot Radar
4.5.7 Delete Hotspots Delete Hotspots: To delete a Hotspot, click on it in the Editor Viewer or in the Link Section. This Hotspot gets highlighted and you can press the right mouse button on it. ””

A menu opens where you can select Remove to delete the hotspot. Asset Manager – Hotspots – Delete Hotspots
5. Search Function The search engine is a great tool to find specific content fast. Type your search request into the search field and you will get a list of assets that match your search query. You can search for Titles References Descriptions Keywords ””

6. Preview You can share your project with others by publishing it. For this purpose, VAM2 creates a static website that can be uploaded to a webserver or opened as a standalone project locally without an internet connection. The preview function shows you what your project would look like if you publish it now. The size of the windows can be adjusted in the common way by moving your window borders 6.1 Viewer In the preview and the published projects, the viewers are displayed in the upper area. 6.2 Asset Viewer The functions of the asset viewer in the preview are identical to those of the asset manager (see section AssetManager – The Asset Viewer). 6.3 Map You can link assets to a map. This is to provide assistance with navigation and to get an overview of the area. If an asset is linked, the appropriate map will appear right beside the Asset viewer. If several assets are linked to the map, you can simply click on the hotspots on the map, and the corresponding asset will be opened in the asset viewer. The opened hotspot gets highlighted on the map, if you open a 360° panorama or a measurement pair, you can also see a radar showing your field of view. The exact way how to use the map is described in the section Asset manager – Hotspots / Links – Maps. Compare Assets If you want to display more than one asset e.g., to compare 2 assets it is possible to open another browser window showing the same or different content of your project.